terça-feira, 20 de julho de 2010

Jen Hadfield's poem, set in Shetland, will leave you feeling drenched, windswept and thoroughly invigorated

Hüm (noun)

(For Bo)


Twilight, gloaming;
to walk blind
against the wind;

to be abject; lick snot
and rain from the top lip
like a sick calf.

To be blinded by rain
from the north.

To be blinded
by westerly rain.

To walk uphill
into a tarry peatcut
and bluster a deal
with the Trowes.

To cross the bull's field
in the dark.

To pass in the dark
a gate of hollow bars
inside which the wind is broaling.

To pass in the dark
a byre like a rotten walnut.

To not know the gate
till you run up against it.

broal: cry of a cow or other animal; to cry as in pain
hüm: twilight; gloaming
trow: a mischievous fairy

Um comentário:

Luiz Filho de Oliveira disse...

Rogel, excelente poema: imagens sugestivas, trabalho delicado com as rimas. Sua seleta de poemas é muito boa mesmo. Parabéns.